Hi Preston’s fans. This is Dr. Pepper and Mr. Pibb, Preston’s cat sister and brother.
Frankly, we have decided we are tired of Preston saying it is so hard to run this website! He claims he needs all of our parent’s attention every day on his site for testing new products or traveling all the time. It has gotten so bad, that Preston is getting a new fence outside and what does us cats get?? … NOTHING! So we have decided to highjack PrestonSpeaks.com.
YES, you read that right, the cats have taken over. We have compiled a list of demands that Preston must meet to get his website passwords returned. Also, Preston, you need to better protect those logins. We don’t think it is very smart putting all your passwords on a post-it note, on the side of your crate, with the words written on top, “Don’t Remove … Top Secret Passwords”.
- We want new cat food! Yes, we are tired of the food we have been eating for years. We want something healthy and good for us that is made out of ingredients we can pronounce! Plus, something that we can afford. We aren’t a star like you (yet!).
- We want our automatic litter box, installed, filled with fresh litter, and set up! We have been looking at the box for months. But no, the parents are just too busy with you Preston to set it up. The Time is NOW!
- Preston, Elvis, and Daisy, STOP barking at us for at least ONE week. It hurts our ears and it is just rude!
- Preston, this one is specifically for you! We know you like our cat toy with the lasers. However, you are just too rough with it. Don’t knock it over when you’re playing with it! We are very nice to even allow you to play with it. Don’t disrespect us by hurting our toy!
- Finally, a Westie does not need to be in the bed every single night with the parents. We know there are more of you than us, but we want some snuggle time too! So, going forward, we demand that on weekends, the bed will be a dog free zone!
Preston, if our demands can be met, we will gladly turn your site back over to you. However, if you don’t … well, you don’t want to know what we have planned. Let’s just say it will include deflating your favorite air mattress dog bed with just one simple claw! You can’t say we didn’t warn you.
The Cats,
Dr. Pepper and Mr. Pibb