If your dog is like me, we HATE FLEAS and TICKS!! They are evil creatures that like to suck our blood. They are the human version of vampires, hehehe. Mom takes good care of all of us by putting this tube of stuff on us every month to keep those blood suckers away. Unfortunately, not all cats and dogs are on flea and tick prevention.
This year has been really hot and our winter was very mild (at least here in Kentucky). Vets are saying this year is one of the worst years in a while for these evil creatures.
Did you know that one flea can lay forty to fifty eggs a day and live about ten days? I did the math (Yes dogs can do math, we just count in treats. One treat times 10 treats equals a tummy ache!). If we have one hundred fleas in our house, in ten days, that is 5,000 new fleas!!!!! Yikes!
Luckily, Hartz is helping pet parents make important health care decisions about how to control these pests. They have a Flea and Tick Care station setup on Facebook. This interactive tab allows users to create a custom profile for their pet. It tells them what their options are and even gives them a custom product card to take to the store with them. The best part is they will also get a coupon to receive a discount at their local retailer. You know what that means?!?!?! With the money they save, they can buy us a bag of treats or a new toy!
So … go check out the Hartz Flea and Tick Station and let me know what you think below by commenting!