Pet News

Dog Park Manners

Written by Rachel Phelps

Being in a dog park is another world for you humans.  The human rules all of a sudden don’t apply and it is now ok for your dog to sniff other dogs bottoms.  But I thought that today I would give you humans tips on  how to deal with the other humans at the park and when to say and more importantly don’t say anything about a dog’d behavior

1. You see an owner hit/spank/harshly reprimand their dog.  That’s a tough one.  No one likes to see a doggie in trouble.  But harsh in one person’s eyes may not seem harsh in anothers.  Plus, if you say anything more than likely the pet parent will not take to it kindly because you are questioning their doggie parenting skills. So if you decide to say something do it carefully and kindly.  Maybe even say well Preston use to jump too until our trainer had us do X, Y, and Z.  But if a dog is really being MUST alert the authorities. We count on you all to watch out for us.

2. Letting a dog run off leash in an area he isn’t allowed to. First don’t assume the worst.  Maybe the owners just doesn’t know that off leash isn’t allowed. But it is also not your job to the be the rule enforcer either.  If the dog isn’t bothering you or your fur children let it go. But if they please talk to the owner nicely and make them aware that it is not allowed and if caught they could get a fine, kicked out of the park, etc.

3. Someone reprimands your dog! This one can touch a nerve for our puppy mama’s.  I know my mommy wouldn’t be happy if some stranger decided to reprimandsme.  I think we would see some mom west-a-tude come out really quickly. However if it is something small like your dog jumped up on a kid and the parents says down or bad dog…let it go.  Your doggie needed to be controlled and they did it fairly and carefully. However, if someone is being too harsh or mean,  just say “thanks I’ll handle it” and take us to the other side of the park away from that mean human.

4. Oh mounting! If you go to a dog park on a regular is going to happen. It is a doggie thing and when doggies get together we hump.  If you have the humper dog then it is time to get some training to try to curb that. But if you catch your guy in the act call the dog and get his attention. If that doesn’t work then lead us by the collar away.  Now if another dog decided to hump you it is perfectly ok to remove the dog from your leg.

5.  Every dog park has one little dog that things he is a big dog (and no that is not me hehehehe).  He or she charges the big dogs,barks, and acts like he is going to eat them for dinner.  In most cases just leave them alone.  They will work it out with a few growls and order will be restored. However, if a dog is ganged up on then please step in and break it up.

6.  Your dog jumps on the lady with the white jacket and now she has an interesting brown paw prints design on her outfit.  First I’m a white dog so I know how easy we get dirty.  But mommy also knows that if I go to the dog park I’m going to get dirty.  Well you humans should know that too..never go to the dog park and not expect to get dirty and step in dog poop.  So a simple I’m sorry should be good enough.  No need to offer to pay for her dry cleaning.

7. Finally the big no no– the owner who won’t gasp “SCOOP HIS DOGS POOP!” This is the quickest way for you to make enemies at the dog park.  You MUST, MUST, MUST  clean up your dogs messes all the time.  If you see a dog go and the owner doesn’t clean it up maybe they just didn’t notice.  So kindly point out your dog went.

So with these tips you humans can enjoy going to the dog park too.  And if our parents  like to go then we get to go play more often too.  Speaking of that mom and dad..can I go to the dog park this weekend? please..


About the author

Rachel Phelps

Rachel Phelps, “America’s Pet Parent,” is an award-winning writer, photographer, and certified dog trainer. She keeps busy managing the career of her Internet celebrity dog Preston from Preston Speaks. Her three Westies — who think they are mini-humans — and three cats rule the house. To learn more about Rachel go to: Rachel Phelps Website

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