Pet Health

Clicker Training

Written by Rachel Phelps

Why use Clicker Training?
By Amber Jackson – Awesome dog trainer to Preston Peabody

I mentioned in my about me page that I am a clicker trainer. So what does that mean? I am addicted to this positive training method and don’t know how I trained any other way. This is the most humane, clear and effective way to communicate what you want to your dog or any pet. This little plastic and metal device is void of any emotions that your voice always carries. This method is based off reinforcers or anything that the dog sees as a reward. I use many things as rewards but it will vary from each individual dog what they see as a reward or don’t. Some dogs love treats, others praise, some love toys. The possibilities are endless. First you have to condition your pet to understand that the click marks the exact moment that they did the “right” behavior and then you follow up with a reward to reinforce the behavior. Every time you reward a specific behavior that raises the probability that it will be repeated. This is true no matter the animal, humans included. To do this you will start with your pet in a low distraction environment, with about 15-20 small tasty treats, and your clicker. You want to click and then immediately follow up with a treat. The reason that this is such a great way to train is because when you click it sounds the same every time and means the same thing. You can click a lot quicker than you can get out a verbal marker. Once conditioned you can start to mark behaviors that you like.

About the author

Rachel Phelps

Rachel Phelps, “America’s Pet Parent,” is an award-winning writer, photographer, and certified dog trainer. She keeps busy managing the career of her Internet celebrity dog Preston from Preston Speaks. Her three Westies — who think they are mini-humans — and three cats rule the house. To learn more about Rachel go to: Rachel Phelps Website

1 Comment

  • +1 for clicker training! I’m a huge fan and used it with my first dog Cassie and she responded wonderfully. With Bear and Thor we didn’t use clicker training the difference in the speed (or lack thereof) they learned was drastic. Now with Nola I’m using a clicker again she learns very quickly! I definitely believe it’s the quickest tool to use as a marker!

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