Doggie Daily Life Pet Travel

The Great Escape!

Written by Rachel Phelps

You know the saying..there is no such thing as bad press well at Barkworld this past fall I decided to test that and I escaped from doggie day care! Since people are still talking about it months later I thought I needed to share my story with my readers.

The Background

This year at Barkworld the hotel had just put down new carpet so they asked that there would be no doggies in the session or the expo area on the new carpet. so Barkworld set up a mobile doggie day care for us while our rents got their learn on. The conference area at the Loews Hotel is on the 13th floor and they have this huge outdoor patio. On the left side portable fences were setup, fake grass/green stuff was put out and on the back side were these really nice big white tents for us to rest in and get out of the sun. The patio is right off a huge lobby with floor to ceiling glass windows and doors. In the lobby was all the exhibitors.

The Plot
Friday, I had a blast at doggie day care and made alot of new friends! However, on Saturday I decided I wanted to go to the conference too! I thought I bet in those sessions there are dog treats everywhere and toys to play with so I decided I was going to sneak in to a session or two. Not to mention Nylabone had a whole display up with tons and tons of toys and Iams had samples of my dog food and treats just laid out for the taking.

Saturday it was kinda windy and I noticed that the tent wasn’t attached to the ground. When the wind blows the tent moves..hmmmm Since I am great at crawling under the covers of my parents bed I thought this is my chance. However, I admit the doggie daycare folks were watching me like a hawk so it was very hard to plan my escape. So I struck up a deal with some of the dogs in daycare. I convinced them that the next dog that comes in to gowl at then and distract the staff. While they aren’t watching me I would crawl out and I promised to bring them back dog treats.

The Plan Springs Into Action

A new dog comes in, they growl, the staff runs over to the dogs, I run, crawl, and get out!! I make a bee-line for the right side of the patio thinking maybe they won’t notice I’m gone. Now granted mom decided to put me in a bright red hoodie shirt..not the greatest for a sleuth escape. So I take off running. What I didn’t plan on was the wall of glass windows and everyone in the expo hall seeing me run across the windows. Mom and Dad were at the Iams table facing the window s and in mid sentence mom just gets this weird, shocked look on her face and says “THAT’S MY DOG!!!” Dad springs into action and races out the door and before i know he grabs me! I’m caught! Darm it !! Dad takes me back to doggie day care and I’m back in the fence before you know it. Dad and the staff works for a while trying to close up a gap in the fence. The whole time I’m just smiling thinking that not how I got out. So I lay low and plot my next attempt

See the bright red I am talking to my pals planning my escape

The Second Try
I give it another 10 minutes or so and I casually act like I’m so tired from my adventures and go lay down in the back of the tent. And act like I’m going to sleep. The staff turns away and I make a run for it again out the back. So I again run across the patio towards the door. This time the staff sees me and they are in hot pursuit. You have to image what the Barkworld attendees are seeing though the big glass windows..a little white dog in a bright red hooding running full steam ahead chased by two of the workers. Dad is out of the door and catches me again!(he is fast when he wants to be) This time they figure out my escape route and I have to wear a leash the rest of the morning so I can’t attempt again.

Needless to say I was the talk of the conference! Hehehehehe would I try again?..the answer is probably yes but I would recruit reinforcements. The more dogs that would have escape would mean the more distractions and the better chance for me to get to the treats and toys. 🙂

About the author

Rachel Phelps

Rachel Phelps, “America’s Pet Parent,” is an award-winning writer, photographer, and certified dog trainer. She keeps busy managing the career of her Internet celebrity dog Preston from Preston Speaks. Her three Westies — who think they are mini-humans — and three cats rule the house. To learn more about Rachel go to: Rachel Phelps Website

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