Doggie Daily Life Pet Travel

This Dog Visits Washington, DC

Written by Rachel Phelps

Recently, I took my dad to Washington D.C. for his Christmas present.  It had been years since we visited the national mall area and he said several times he wanted to go back. Being the smart dog I am, I made a plan!  It was intended to be a surprise trip where Dad didn’t know where we were going or what we were doing, so I planned it all out in secret.  However, Dad got his vacation days mixed up and he actually had to work the days we were supposed to fly into DC.  This meant I had to spill the beans and tell him everything.  Luckily, by working together we were able to move things around and work it out so the trip was saved!  Here are some photos of my Washington DC adventures!

NASA - Robonaut 1I sent Dad to the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum to spend a day.  I couldn’t go because unfortunately, they don’t allow dogs. But when Dad got back to the hotel I asked him what his favorite part was, and he said the space exhibits. He met Robonaut 1 which is a real robot.  Robonaut 1’s  younger robot brother Robonaut 2 is up at the space station now and has a twitter account!

fullsizerender-65Next, I sent the rents to the Smithsonian National Zoo to see the Zoo Lights.  Again, no dogs were allowed :(.  Dad said it was a lot of fun.  The zoo had amazing light displays and some of the inside exhibits where open so they were able to see some animals too.

fullsizerender-64On the second day, I finally got to go exploring and we started at the National Christmas Tree.  This is located on the eclipse right in front of the White House.  Each state and territory had their own tree they could decorate.  Since I’m a Kentucky dog, I sniffed out our tree.   I must say ours was the best … hehehe!  We ended up going back to the tree that evening too to see it all lit up.  It was amazing!


fullsizerender-66Next up on the agenda was the monuments.  I admit it, I wanted to mark on the Washington Monument, but Mom said no.  So I had to look at if from afar!


The Jefferson monument was just as impressive!


My favorite monument of all was the FDR memorial.  Dogs were allowed there and welcomed. I had to get a photo with Fala (FDR’s beloved Scottie)!  I think she lied a little about her weight and height when they made her sculpture … or she was a VERY big Scottie … hehehe.


On my final day, I decided to go see the capitol building and their Christmas Tree.


The only downside to this whole trip was the evil squirrels.  They mocked me all over the national mall. They followed me, and even dared me to chase them.  If I tried to run after them, the rents got upset and said I was being a bad dog.  But then, the squirrels would just laugh at me more.  And yes, they have a very mean, evil, high pitch laugh!  Here was their ringleader!

fullsizerender-62Overall, I think Dad liked my Christmas present and I got a lot of belly rubs from him when we got home!  Surely this trip locks me in as his favorite hehe.

Your Pal,

About the author

Rachel Phelps

Rachel Phelps, “America’s Pet Parent,” is an award-winning writer, photographer, and certified dog trainer. She keeps busy managing the career of her Internet celebrity dog Preston from Preston Speaks. Her three Westies — who think they are mini-humans — and three cats rule the house. To learn more about Rachel go to: Rachel Phelps Website

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