Doggie Daily Life

Westie Meet 2011 –The Fight!

Written by Rachel Phelps

I am a part of an amazing online group called Westies United on This is a community group of over 1400 West Highland White Terriers who use message boards to chat, get support from other westie owners, and they get together throughout the country for fun filled westie weekends. This year our big meet was in Nashville a few weeks ago. I live close to the music city (we are only an hour and half away) so I was super excited that we could attend. So I got busy packing my bag and checking to make sure I had all my favorite toys in there. I even made gift bags for all my doggie friends! So after mom and dad got off work and Elvis finished his training class (yes I was nice..I waited for him!) we drove down. We got in late so we went straight to bed. But as soon as the sun rose I was jumping all over mom and dad and even Elvis trying to wake them up. I knew my friends were out there in the grass potty area and I wanted to go out to see them. Dad took me out there while mom got ready. My online pals were all there –Vinny, Dixie, Darby, Baby C, Romeo, Sparky, Morgan, Luci, and two new friends the flower girls. Later on I saw Madison and Doc too!

So then it was back into the room and the crates for us while the rents went to have breakfast. I think mom should have seen this as sign when she came back. Elvis had ripped though the soft sided crate and was running all over the room. This wasn’t a cheap crate either! This was my nice crate that I really liked that I was nice enough to let Elvis borrow. He better be saving up his allowance to get me another one ASAP! The rents then told us they were going to go to a winery but we weren’t allowed to go. But first both Elvis and I were invited to go on a walk with Sparky and Morgan instead. I was so excited so mom put both of us on a double leash while dad decided to hang out in the hotel room. So I hightailed it to the steps to meet my pals but Elvis freaked out on the steps. They aren’t carpeted so he didn’t like them. He slipped out of the leash so mom had to chase after him. We got to the bottom of the stairs and mom put him back on the double leash. As we rounded the corner of the hotel there is a HUGE BROWN DOG (another hotel guest’s dog) and Elvis lost it. Since I was attached to him..he took it out on me. We got in a huge fight and there was teeth everywhere (and blood). Elvis latched on to my eye and wouldn’t let go. All the pet parents were trying to break us up and Elvis went puppy mill as we like to call it. He doesn’t listen, won’t let go, and it is like he is in another place. Finally, he lets go and mom grabbed me. She took off running upstairs to get daddy. Here is how I looked:

Daddy got on the phone with Sherry from WRSE who lives in Nashville to find a vet and we hopped in the car and off I went to the emergency vet. During this time my eye was swelling up. Oh I guess I should back did go back to get Elvis and he went into another crate in our hotel room. He had some bites (I did get some good blows in hehehe) but nothing serious like me. At the vet they determined my eye wasn’t hurt but wanted to shave one side of my being upset just blurted out NO he is a model, which got alot of weird looks from the vet and vet tech. I think they thought mom was being a drama queen or stage mom. But they determined Elvis bit me right above my eye but no damage to the eye. I got a shot (OUCH), some pills, pill pockets, and some eye ointment. Mommy was so upset I think she even leaked a little bit she was so shaken up. The shot made me tired so I went back to the room and slept the rest of the day.

I bet your wondering am I mad at Elvis? At first I was but he apologized and I know he is still working on things. I think the westie meet was just to many little white dogs at one time and then throw stairs he doesn’t like and a big brown dog he just got too upset.

Here I am later on that night..with all the swelling..this was the worst it looked.

It is healed now..just a scar that will fade in time.

About the author

Rachel Phelps

Rachel Phelps, “America’s Pet Parent,” is an award-winning writer, photographer, and certified dog trainer. She keeps busy managing the career of her Internet celebrity dog Preston from Preston Speaks. Her three Westies — who think they are mini-humans — and three cats rule the house. To learn more about Rachel go to: Rachel Phelps Website


  • So glad to hear that you have healed nicely…Have a Great squirrel-chasing, bird-stalking, rolling on dead things kind of a day…and be nice to Elvis…don’t want to roil him up again…

  • Oh my gosh, Preston…I’m sure glad you are okay!!! We miss out on all the happenings when Mom & Dad are broke! Hopefully we’ll be at the Meet & Greet next year. Glad you healed up good!!! Puppy kisses to you from Bailey Rose

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