Doggie Daily Life

Rain, Rain Go Away

Written by Rachel Phelps

The saying “April showers(or in my case ..March showers) brings May flowers” is not good news for us doggies. This means that there will be many days where my pals and myself will be stuck inside watching the rain drops hitting the back patio and making glorious mud. Which of course since I’m a white dog any sign of mud means I’m not allowed to leave the house because mom says I’ll roll in the mud. So what can I do to pass the time but still get exercise? Recently Fido Friendly had a great article that gave some wonderful ideas for fun activities we can do with our pet parents.

  • Hide and Seek – this requires two people. One person stays with us doggies while the other one hides. Then our noses must report to duty and find the second person in the house. Once we find the person we get treats for being a good doggie…yum!
  • Yes dogs have “board games” too. There are alot of interactive toys on the market that will keep our minds sharp on a rainy day. Some have blocks that you push or pull to reveal treats others you must hit or drag pieces around for treats to fall out of. Kong toys are my favorite. Mom puts dog food in the middle and then freezes them. It is a doggie pop sickle! I admit it does take quite a while to get the food out.
  • Tug of war — every dog loves a good game of tug of war and what a better way to burn off energy?!?! But tell your humans to be careful. They should never lift our heads back when playing tug of war. That could really hurt us.
  • Finally obedience training – if we know some commands and tricks lets practice them. Its good mental stimulation and we get treats!

So doggies don’t despair a rainy day doesn’t sentence you to a boring day..just try these out and let me know what you think. Do you have any other fun ideas? Share them below 🙂

About the author

Rachel Phelps

Rachel Phelps, “America’s Pet Parent,” is an award-winning writer, photographer, and certified dog trainer. She keeps busy managing the career of her Internet celebrity dog Preston from Preston Speaks. Her three Westies — who think they are mini-humans — and three cats rule the house. To learn more about Rachel go to: Rachel Phelps Website

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