Pet News

What We Can Do to End Dog Fighting

Written by Rachel Phelps

Yesterday I wrote a blog about the Michael Vick scandal and my opinions on him. To catch up click here . Today I wanted to talk to you about what we all can do to help end this illegal sport/animal cruelty according to the ASPCA.

  1. Support Stronger Laws. Keep up to date on animal laws in your state and at the federal level. If a dog fighting law is proposed contact your congressmen/women and tell them to support new stronger laws for offenders. The ASPCA website also has an area called the advocacy center that will keep you up to date on the dog fighting legislation in your state.
  2. Call or Write Your Local Law Enforcement. Let them know as a concern citizen you think investigating dog fighting should be a priority in your city. It is a crime so they need to follow up on violations and make arrests.
  3. Be Alert. If you suspect something isn’t right in your neighborhood contact your local animal control and/or the cops. Give them as much information as possible, the date you saw suspicious behaviors, the address or location, and why you think there may be dog fighting occurring
  4. Protect Your Pets. This is a BIG one. Especially if you have small dogs like me. Dog fighters will sometimes steal small pets to use as bait dogs. Bait dogs are the dogs that the fighting dogs practice with and in most cases end up killing. So don’t let us outside without being supervised and make sure we always have our ID on us and are micro-chipped.
  5. Volunteer! Alot of shelters including mine usually have several pit bulls or pit bull mixes. Volunteer to walk them or take them to obedience classes. The mental and physical activities will keep them from becoming aggressive in a kennel setting. Also donation toys and raw hides will help entertain then as well.
  6. Educate others. Tell people in your community about the horrors of dog fighting. The more people who are aware of the problem the more likely people will report it if they see it occurring
  7. Teach Your Kids. If we teach the human puppies (children) at an early age that dog fighting is wrong and it is animal cruelty then when they grow up they may not bet on dogs or raise them to fight.

It is going to take all of us doing our little part to end dog fighting! I’m up for the challenge..are you?

About the author

Rachel Phelps

Rachel Phelps, “America’s Pet Parent,” is an award-winning writer, photographer, and certified dog trainer. She keeps busy managing the career of her Internet celebrity dog Preston from Preston Speaks. Her three Westies — who think they are mini-humans — and three cats rule the house. To learn more about Rachel go to: Rachel Phelps Website

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