Doggie Daily Life

SDS (Small Dog Syndrome)

Written by Rachel Phelps

Recently it has come to my attention that you humans have actually labeled being a small dog as not always a good thing.   You all call it small dog syndrome.  Supposedly it is when we bark at visitors, snap at people, and even bite our owners.  Now I know everyone has met a small testy dog at some point and said that dog is crazy!. For some reason Yorkies are very mean to me..they must not like Westies.   I think they are jealous of our white coats hehehe.   I can be difficult sometimes I admit but just because there is  a bad dog that just happens to be small we do not deserve the SDS stereotype.   First spend a day in our paws.  We are very small , we can be stepped on and some of us are even the same size as  some big dogs chew toys.  So we must be brave and not be afraid of things bigger than us.  If we aren’t then we get tossed around like a rag doll by other canines.  We are pretty much all powerless in any human/animal relationship.  You can pick us up at anytime, you can toss us in a crate, and take away whatever we are chewing on.  So try to understand when we are testy or bossy. It is us claiming our space in the house.   However, there is a fine line between testy and being a bad dog.  I take my good dog status very seriously because if I’m a good doggie I get treats and time out of my crate.  So you humans need to give us solid boundaries.   I’m now off my small dog soapbox!

About the author

Rachel Phelps

Rachel Phelps, “America’s Pet Parent,” is an award-winning writer, photographer, and certified dog trainer. She keeps busy managing the career of her Internet celebrity dog Preston from Preston Speaks. Her three Westies — who think they are mini-humans — and three cats rule the house. To learn more about Rachel go to: Rachel Phelps Website

1 Comment

  • Preston, don’t worry, humans also label small humans. My mommy said she and her friend Megan hear Napoleon Complex used to describe them. I would rather be called a “small dog” than a “Napoleon” 🙂


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