Instructions on How to Vote for as the Petties 2014 Best Dog Blog

Please Vote Daily Until Thursday, August 7th.

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  1. In your web browser, go to or click the button above.Petties-Login
  2. Unless you are logged-in from voting previously, two buttons will appear below asking you to login to vote.
    – To login in with Facebook, follow the Facebook instructions below.
    – To login with an email address, follow the email instructions below.
    – If you are already logged-in, scroll down to the section labeled “Voting After Login with Facebook or Email”.

To login using Facebook

  • Click on the blue button labeled “Login with Facebook”3-a-login-with-facebook
  • After clicking the “Login with Facebook” button, the following window will pop up.  Enter your email address and password then click on “Log In”.3-a-i-facebook-login-screen
  • If this is your first time voting, it will ask you to allow DogTime to access your public profile.  Click on the “Okay” button.3-a-ii-allow-dogtime-access-to-facebook

To login using an email address

  • Click on yellow button labeled “Login with Email”login-with-email
  • After clicking the “Login with Email” button, the following window will pop up.3-b-i-email-login-screen
  • Enter your first and last name in the “Full Name” text box.
  • Enter your email address in the “Email Address” text box.
  • Enter your email address again in the “Confirm email address” text box.
  • In the last text box before the “Login” button, type the text you see in the box above it exactly how you see it.  It is case sensitive, so if the letter is capital, use a capital letter, and if the letter is lowercase, then use a lower case.  If there is a space between the two words be sure to include that also.
  • Click the “Login” button.

Voting After Login with Facebook or Email

  • After you login, it will take you to the Finalist Voting page.Petties-Finalist-Voting
  • Down below you will see each of the categories you can vote for.  To vote for, look for the section labeled “BEST DOG BLOG”.
  • Click on the radio box next to “Preston Speaks”.6-click-on-prestonspeaks
  • If you would like, take a moment to vote for the many other great blogs nominated for a number of different categories.
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and find the “Submit Ballot” button.  Click on the “Submit Ballot” button.8-submit-ballot-button
  • Come back and vote daily.  Voting closes on Thursday, August 7th at midnight, Pacific Standard Time.

To VOTE NOW click on the button below:

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