Amazing Pet Expos  is the the  official 2017 Amazing Pet Expo blogger Ambassador! Amazing is currently hosting over thirty free expos per year across the US, each with 10,000-15,000 attendees, Amazing Pet Expos feature exhibits, demonstrations,  and  What is even better is that this little white dog will be at many of these expos with my very own booth and “speaking” from the main stage about saving money on pet care and cooking for your pet.

Our “Amazing” Money Saving Offer

Welcome my pal! ! Since you either met me at us at one of the Amazing Pet Expos around the country or you’re making plans to attend one soon we wanted to extend a special offer to you for one of our new tee-shirts. We have all sizes from kids small to adult double extra large. If you place an order through the below link you will receive FREE SHIPPING!


Find an Amazing Show to Attend

Amazing Pet Expo has thirty pet expos and counting…just check to find the nearest one to you!


2017 shows we will have a booth at! 


Previous Shows 


Have you signed up for our newsletter yet? We will be giving away exclusive prizes from our sponsors monthly just for people who receive our newsletter. Sign up here!




Lickety Stik – Looking for a training treat that won’t add calories to your dog’s diet…but that your dog will love? Come by our booth at the Bay Area Expo for a free sample of canine or feline Lickety Stik!
