Hey, my pals, I have HUGE news! I am partnering with an amazing dog and cat food brand called Evangers! You may be thinking, but Preston, you have tried out many different types of food in the past, what makes this one different? Well, as I get older, my rents and I have come to realize that the food us pets eat makes a big difference in our health and could potentially impact our lifespan. I am 11 years old now, but despite what I am told my expected lifespan is, I want to try to live to at least 30. So I figured I better start paying more attention to what I eat. I started doing some research, and Evangers met all my requirements of no soy, no corn, no wheat, no preservatives, no artificial ingredients, and no animal by-products. Plus, as a bonus, they have over eighty delicious flavors!
Also, I wanted to work with a brand that understands us pets aren’t just animal companions, we are family! Speaking of family, I have known the Sher family who owns Evangers for many years by seeing them at different industry trade shows. Ok, I have to admit, I have always been a fan of their treats. I would always give them my sad face when I went to their booth so they would give me extra treats … hehehe. So, when the opportunity presented itself to form a partnership with Evangers, I jumped at the chance!For the next year or so you will see me sharing blog articles, social media posts, photos about their products and manufacturing process, information on their commitment to helping pets in need, hosting giveaways on my blog, visiting stores where Evangers is sold, and even attending consumer pet events. I will also be developing some fun treat recipes using the food that you can make at home. You can go ahead and start calling me chef Preston now … LOL.
Last week, I took the rents up to their manufacturing plant in Chicago to learn the inside scoop on their eighty different flavors. They showed my rents exactly how their foods are made and their quality control process. I would have loved to see the manufacturing too, but for some unfair reason, the FDA doesn’t allow dogs where the food is actually made. Instead, I just stayed back in the office and ate way too many yummy bowls of Evangers. Watch my blog for a full recap in the next few weeks!